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Systems and problem solving to save $$$ and increase QoL

Added on July 12th 2018

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I am very good at coming up with systems to solve problems in households and offices. All of these systems can increase a person's quality of life (QoL) and help them save money.


Examples are

1) system to deal with the fridge so you know what's in there and have less biological experiments and actually cycle through food while it still has nutritional content left to it, instead of when it's all old. (Also bonus is that food wasting is a huge expenditure of energy that makes the monetary economy less effective and bad for the planet. See the Story of Stuff on Youtube ).

2) system preventing piles and piles of incoming mail and papers

3) system of grocery shopping so it is easier to fit into your schedule with less stress

4) system of meal planning so it's less overwhelming

5) system for assessing and dealing with getting rid of stuff and not having stuff in your house you haven't used in years

6) system for getting along better with other people

7) system for decreasing stress

8) system for preventative health, increasing immune system so saved money and less illness and injuries

9) system for house and people governance that maximizes the happiness of all (see holacracy)

10) system for dealing better with finances

... and there are many more



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