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Bodywork - (professional skill not required)

Added on September 2nd 2017

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  • Complementary therapies
  • Emotional Balance, Stress Reduction

I saw Jerry's request for light massage and I decided I wanted this too so I copied it almost verbatim.

Bodywork - (professional skill not required)

It is really helpful to my joints to get moved around by someone else when I can relax on a massage table and let someone else do it.


It also feels very luxurious to just have someone touch, even if it is not professional massage. My housemate and I have talked about how we Americans pet our pets, but don't really touch each other. Why is that? We all know how good most people think it feels to go to the hairdresser and have someone play with their hair or to have a friend rub their shoulders, hands or feet.


We think most humans would greatly benefit from more non-professional touch in a non-sexual manner from a friend or acquaintance. If you do have professional skill then great, but we think our society has set up too many limitations for ourselves, and that it actually makes us a less healthy society.


Most people can sort of figure out some things about giving non professional massage. We can train you for free to do stuff on yourself, your friends, your family, (and acquaintances who call themselves friends) for free. Note that you can NOT legally charge money for these things in most of the 50 US states without a license.            is an article claiming (and this 2nd article is referred to by the first article) these benefits of massage as a style of bodywork. < - 1st article refers to this 2nd article

This form of therapy involves hands-on techniques to increase circulation, relieve tension, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, and promote relaxation throughout the entire body, as well as many other benefits.


Increase relaxation, decrease stress, reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), boost energy, reduce pain, stimulate physical and mental abilities, decrease blood pressure, decrease anxiety/hostility, decrease muscle tension, decrease various health risks (by improving the body’s ability to heal its own circulatory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, increases flexibility, decrease swelling (edema), decrease lactic acid in muscles, improve circulation (increase nutrients, decrease toxins), releases endorphins (pain-killing hormones), improved overall body function, promotes healing, improves posture, improves alignment, improve sleep, improves immune function.



When: Every week

06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
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