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Be on a list of potential cat sitters to occasionally call

Added on September 11th 2018

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Care for Animals
  • Pet sitting, feeding, play, petting, etc.
  • Grooming, Trimming hair or nails

Get time credits for your help (when I/we are out of town):

Things we would be asking for help with (subject to your approval ) could include:

  • Feeding and writing on a food log of date, time, quantity
  • Giving fresh water
  • Cleaning a couple specks of food off cat dishes once in a while. (She's pretty meticulous so there is not a lot of dish-cleaning involved.)
  • Only people used to cutting claws and/or veterinary care should cut her claws and she would probably need to know you well first.
  • If you notice a very rare hairball on a carpet, to pick it up with a paper towel, throw it in the trash, and spray the area with this awesome clear enzyme spray we have called Fizzion Pet Stain and Odor Remover. (Thanks to Rose K for suggesting it.)

There is not usually any litter box to deal with because Jerry found a high tech litter box that uses silica instead of normal litter and it can go 2 weeks without changing. It can go 4 weeks for a kitten.

Meet Luna:

Luna was a rescue cat originally so she is curious about people but may take days to warm up to someone, even if she's known them before. She seems to see just fine, she's a bit nearsighted, so she may not recognize you until she hears your voice.

Luna is a black tiger striped tabby with very very white feet that she meticulously grooms.

She loves to eat so food is a good way to start winning her over to be less shy. She lived in some poor conditions as a kitten. She was the runt of a litter of 4 kittens although you wouldn't know it now since she is a lonnnnnng tabby cat. Her mom and siblings were living in a building in the southwest and the mom cat could get in and out to hunt because it was open to the wilderness from underneath. The human woman living there was taking illegal drugs and so wasn't very good at taking care of herself. A well meaning friend had boarded up the holes in the outside of the kitchen thinking she was helping the human friend, but the unintended consequence was that the mama cat could no longer get out to feed herself and the kittens because the human woman living there didn't pay much attention to them. She was not taking good care of herself or the cats. When the friend found this out, she tried to get the mama cat spayed and to find homes for the family of cats. Luna was one of the lucky ones who traveled from the Southwest to the Northeastern US and was taken in by me (Jerry) as a favor to her.

Several people love Luna. It took her 3 years to grow to adult size instead of the normal 1 year for cats. She seems to have a poor immune system compared to normal cats so she can actually pick up human colds and she has caught athlete's foot which makes her claws and the skin between her toes kind of weird.



When: Every week

18:00 - 23:59 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT

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