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If you want to attend a games party...

Added on July 5th 2018

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  • Games
Community engagement
  • Help our CSE Timebank!

...that is an event I would like to do as a CSE timebank plus friends and acquaintances. I think it would be a fun social event.

Types of games choices could include

* a timebanking exchange game to learn something about the skills people in the group might like to offer or request. We can play this as a yarn game where we toss a ball of yarn and call ideas out so it gives you a sense of community. We could do it in a way that gives you ideas where you select stuff off a list or we call out, who has any level of skill to do ____ or who would like to learn how to do ____. We could also try to coordinate exchange groups like people who need a team of people to come do gardening, or room organizing, or yard work or something and we can do that as a fun social event that gets stuff done quickly for someone and then we could switch off. We call this a "many hands" project because many hands make for lighter work. (If you only want to do this stuff to meet some timebank members and figure out some fun exchanges see "Timebanking Exchange Game Event" where this is all we do.)

* various fun facilitation type games with a specific purpose like Icebreaker type games, or 2 Lies and a Truth that learn stuff about other people

* special fun board games like The Cave Game (where you everyone plays a caving club trying to compete to find the longest cave on hexagonal paper by finding cave entrances, exploring caves, digging cave entrances open, optionally cave diving caves with water passages, dealing with events, etc. OR

* special fun board games like Talisman where everyone plays a different kind of character (dwarf, fighter, mage, elf, etc.) with different abilities and disadvantages and is trying to get to the inner region to win without losing all of their 4 health points AKA lives OR

* various board games... This could include simple games like Sorry or Parcheesi, harder games like Chess, collaborative games like Pandemic where all 4 players play as a team, party games like Pictionary, Cranium, Bizz Buzz, Zoom Schwartz Pafigliano. Note that Pictionary can be played as a collaborative game of 2 teams. There are many others.

* various games where you read questions to one another off cards in the attempt to accomplish an objective and to laugh OR

* the holacracy game titled "Little Bookcase Publications" which is designed to sort of kind of have a group of people pretend to be a holacratic publishing company that is trying to sell some books for some authors and will manage their work through simulated holacracy. (If you really really want to learn Holacracy governance style, I might rather have you attend a CSE leadership meeting and just observe. You can write down your questions to be answered at the end of the meeting.) OR

* a murder mystery role playing game played over about 2 hours where each member of the group is given a character to role play and they try to to solve a fake murder as a team while the murderer tries to hinder them. I haven't tried to host one of these yet, but I have one and I've heard they're fun. I also have a pretty good set of directions to make up new ones. If your character gets murdered at the beginning of the game, you still get to play at guessing because you are assigned a non-player character which has no role playing requirements but still gets to help guess (like a food server or a police officer or something). Limit 8 to 10 people. Minimum 4 or 5 people.

* various card games with standard playing cards

As I said before, there are many other games. Later I will make a list of all of them...

If you have preferences of types of games, I would love to hear them.

If you have a house or office and you are willing to host a party, let us know that too. (See request Host a Games Party.)

When: Every week

06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
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18:00 - 23:59 EDT
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12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT
06:00 - 12:00 EDT
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18:00 - 23:59 EDT
06:00 - 12:00 EDT
12:00 - 18:00 EDT
18:00 - 23:59 EDT

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