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Help the (TBO) international network of timebanks (formerly known as TimeBanks USA)

Added on July 4th 2018

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Community engagement
  • Help the intl network (formerly called TBUSA)

Get time credits for yourself for helping the (TBO) international network of timebanks, including by just learning more about it. TBO has been amazing for the world. 

Dr. Edgar Cahn started teaching the public about timebanking in 1980. The world timebanking movement was born.

Edgar Cahn and Christine Gray have helped a lot of organizations to help people across the world through timebanking. They have both been public speakers, written articles and research papers, attended & led meetings and conferences where people sought advice how to incorporate timebanking to help get volunteers for their favorite cause, and the list goes on.

Edgar has spoken to governments, organizations, and individuals about timebanking for almost 40 years. Some countries were a lot quicker to have it take off than the US.

* helping people recover from natural disasters

* youth courts through timebanks reducing recidivism rates for first-time juvenile offenders

* great improvements to community health systems, health care systems, and hospice care

* job training and social services in public housing complexes

* substance abuse recovery being facilitated

* facilitating re-entry to society for ex-convicts

* prevent institutionalization of severely disabled children through parental support networks

* transportation provided for homebound seniors and other community members in rural areas

* much needed respite given for parents with adult permanently live-at-home children that are differently abled

* women's rights that have been fostered in Senegal other places through timebanking.

* college credits given to college students for helping with timebanks, timebank community projects, and timebank networks

* timebanking classes taught to elementary school students (in New Zealand) - > let's get that started in the US

* just to name a few...


+ One example of an amazing well-run timebank in the US is the Crooked River Alliance of TimeBanks (CRAT) in Ohio. It's 5 timebanks in 5 different towns that organize community and mutual aid to one another through one giant ever-growing timebank. 

When: Every week

06:00 - 12:00 EDT
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